Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Favorite Pie Crust!

         I love making pies and this is my go to recipe for them all.  This recipe makes two crusts (top and bottom) so half it if you only require one crust.

  • 2 1/4 Cups All Purpose Flour
  • 1/2 tsp. Salt
  • 2/3 Cups Butter (cold)
  • 8-10 Tbsp. Cold Water
        First, put flour and salt in a large bowl.  Cut in the butter.  I do this by cutting the butter into small slices then using a pastry blender or fork to chop it up further in the bowl of flour.  The key here is to keep it cold! The butter shouldn't melt or mix very well with flour, it should make a crumbly mixture with tiny circles of butter.  Then add in the cold water, a tablespoon at a time.  I mix it with the pasty blender or fork until the mixture gets fairly wet, then I use my hands to form the dough.  It should be moist enough to stick together but try avoiding adding any extra water.  
        Then flour a rolling pin and roll it out about an inch and a half past the diameter of the 9" pan.  Then lay the dough in and fit it to the pan. Use your thumb and pointer finger on the left hand and use your pointer finger on your right to push the dough, pinching it in that classic pie edge look.  One other trick I learned was to stretch the edges over the side every inch or so, preventing the dough from shrinking when it bakes.  Chill the crust for about 10 minutes.  
        Now, for some pies, the filling can be put in right away, others will want you to par bake the crust, which you can do by putting it in the oven at 400 degrees for 5 to 10 min.  Poke holes with a fork at the bottom of the crust or use an oven safe, heavy object to hold it down, otherwise the crust may bubble.  

        All these tricks I have learned from other, wiser, cooks and by trial and error.  So, if you have any tips, comments, or questions, please comment and let us know! :)

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